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Context to Life and Education

So, I know that it is not Friday, but I am completely obsessed with this video.


And please note, that beyond the humor (appropriate or not), the reason why I have lost work hours and sleep thinking about this video relates to context and the idea of what a real tipping point is. See, my good friend Brandon showed me this video, and we laughed and still are laughing. But, then after everyone in my division began to dissect the reason for the funnies, we decided that in that 90 seconds of gold there was a lesson of context and tipping points.

First, we dissected all of the lines and realized that what a great lesson for leaders that based on the context of the enviroment, audience, and other variables messages get confused with upset the balance. Watch the video, think about what he says, and you will get it.

Second, I going to start reading Tipping Point, http://www.gladwell.com/tippingpoint/, again because the fact that this video will make its way to all of our trainings as a point of context, experiments, and cause/effect shows how the little things can make big change in our world.

Have a major training Friday, if you are interested in what is going on this Friday, check out my livebinders of handouts, http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=789524.

Until, Friday, focus on the good not what bad people do. It is suffocating to some and re-inforcing to others!
Rogue out!

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